Let the woods embrace you


On miserable weather days like today I tend to dip into my photo diary to see what life was throwing at me during the same week in the past. In early October 2011 I was strolling through Gisburn Forest, near Stocks Reservoir, where I took this picture. Being alone in a large wood can feel eerie or other-worldly. Don’t get into that frame of mind – let it embrace and comfort you. At first, all seems deadly silent but if you stop and stay still for a few minutes you’ll soon become part of the forest. Listen to woodland birds chattering; you may even hear small mammals dashing here, there and everywhere. In light autumn winds the trees sway gently, leaves sink slowly to carpet the floor and branches from neighbouring trees caress each other. Yes, this can be a great time of year to crunch your way through a forest and admire the changing colours… but not today.

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